Love Above All

    This past weekend we were able to take a short retreat to the beautiful shore of Lake Tanganyika, Africa's largest and deepest body of water. Not only were we able to spend time on the clear, ocean-like water; we also took a day to travel to Gombe National Park, home to hundreds of chimpanzees. As we trekked through the thick, tangled brush of the backwoods of Gombe National Park, I paused to take in God’s amazing creation. Everywhere I looked, something more reminded me of how great His love is for us. 

    This retreat was more than a time to experience nature; I was also able to rest and reflect on my experience in Tanzania so far. 

    What I realized was that at first, I had doubted God. I was asking myself questions like, what can I do for God here? Why did God want me to come to Tanzania? Was this really His plan for me? 

    But the more time passed, and as the waiting period grew longer, I realized that God brought me here for a reason. Maybe it wasn’t even so that I could make a difference. Maybe it was so that I could learn to live by faith, to learn to love Him more, and to see His presence in my life. 

    I read a quote recently from the book Experiencing God, and it says, “God doesn’t ask you to DO anything for Him. All He wants is a love relationship with You”. 

    I realized I had been too focused on getting things done for God. I tried to find a way to thank God for all He had done for me, and thought that the least that I could do was to serve Him with my life.

    But now, I finally understand that God really doesn’t ask for much. All He wants is our hearts. He wants us to love Him and to grow with Him and to praise Him.

    I think about the story of Mary and Martha found in Luke 10:38-42. In the story, Jesus arrives at Mary and Martha’s house. And while Martha is distractedly cleaning, cooking, and preparing to provide Jesus with the finest hospitality, Mary is just sitting and listening to Him. 

    And at one point Martha asks, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.” And Jesus says to her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken from her.” 

    Though it may have seemed counter-intuitive for Jesus to view Mary’s choice as the right one, it teaches us so much about what He wants from us. And while Martha wanted to give her best to the Lord, Mary was filling her mind with what was most important—the precious words falling from her Savior’s lips. Jesus cares so much for each of us. It means so much that the Creator of the universe is asking for our love, above all. 

    “For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.” Hosea 6:6

    A song that I’ve been listening to recently says this:

Gratitude (Brandon Lake)

All my words fall short

I got nothing new

How could I express

All my gratitude?

I could sing these songs

As I often do

But every song must end

And You never do

So I throw up my hands

And praise You again and again

'Cause all that I have is a hallelujah


And I know it's not much

But I've nothing else fit for a King

Except for a heart singing hallelujah

This beautiful sunset on the lake

Chimpanzee sighting at Gombe!

The girls and I

Surgical team after a full work day!

So, so thankful for this moment :)


  1. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Wonderful! Thank you for this important reminder. Prayers for you and your friends. Joan Pijem

    1. Thank you Ms Joan! I really appreciate all your prayers 🫶🏼


  4. Thank you so much for sharing this message today! It blessed me so much!!! Praying for you everyday, Michaela.
    Monica Peeke

    1. Wow thank youu Ms Monica! I feel so blessed here. Thank you for all your prayers!! ❤️

  5. Julio Narvaez and familyOctober 3, 2022 at 7:18 AM

    Thank you for this important message. May the Lord bless you!

    1. Thank you Dr Narvaez!! May the Lord bless you and your family also! ☺️☺️

  6. This is so encouraging Sis! Thanks for sharing... looking forward to more. Love the thought”God does not want a lot from us but a love relationship “ is the book you talked about by Ty Gibson? If not who is the book by?

    1. This above question is from me (Victoria from Nigeria)

    2. Awww thank you Victoria!! The book i talked about is Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby. Miss you!!
      lots of love, Michaela

  7. A heart open to the flow of the Holy Spirit is a heart on a huge life-long adventure! You are both being a blessing and being blessed. Praying God continues to guide and protect you, Sandra and Bill Ford

    1. So so true! It has been wonderful to really see God’s presence in my life! Thank you for all your prayers and kindness.
      love, Michaela

  8. Hi, i just found your blog thru your parents' post. Enjoying reading about your experiences. I'm a PUC classmate of your parents, LLU grad, and i was also a missionary at Heri Hospital in 2000 while in med school. It was certainly quite different 22 years ago. For example, we took the train for 3 days from Dar Es Saalam to Kigoma, then pressed into a daladala for the rainy season mudbogging up to Heri. Maybe you could find out what happened to Dr. Oster? God bless!

    1. Oh wow! It’s truly a small world. It’s so cool that you went there too! Definitely different now haha. But I think Dr Oster passed away a few years ago, sadly. Thank you for your thoughts and comment!
      God bless you too!

  9. HI Michaela, We enjoyed talking to you on the phone Sunday. We enjoyed seeing your update on your blog and the pictures. You and your friends have done a lot in a short period of time You all are in our prayers. Love, Grandma


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